The Cassette Diaries
The Cassette Diaries is a fiction podcast about endings, the whimsy of girlhood, and lost, arcane things that hide in your attic — yearning to be discovered.
The Cassette Diaries
Tape 02
Isabella Pantoja
Season 1
Episode 2
In 1993 Jane, Ada, and Sarah go on a search and find what they wish they had not. In the present day, Lydia doesn't search for anything at all, and yet still manages to find exactly what was missing.
The Cassette Diaries is written, produced, and scored by Isabella Pantoja. The director is Nickolas Menescal. Jane is Raquel Romero, Ada is Sophie Chmiel, Sarah is Laura Majid and Mary is Jen Skov. Lydia is played by Saebrinde Clayton and Charlie by Bruno Di Tillo. Cover Art by Miriam Alma. Follow us on Instagram @thecassettediaries for more updates and details.